Helping infants and young children learn life-saving Self-Rescue techniques.

The Sooner, The Safer.

ISR Lessons

  • Infants + Young Toddlers will learn the ISR Self-Rescue skill of rolling onto their backs to float, rest and breathe. They learn to maintain this position until help arrives.

  • When an instructor deems a child developmentally ready, they will learn the full ISR Self-Rescue sequence in the water. They will practice swimming until they need air, rotating onto the back to float, then rolling back over to continue swimming.

    ISR students are taught to repeat this sequence until they reach the safety of the steps, side of the pool, or the shoreline.

  • Students who have been previously skilled in ISR will be offered Maintenance & Refresher opportunities to maintain their skills and confidence throughout the year.

    While Maintenance lessons are typically suggested 1-2x per month with Refreshers taking place every 6 months, parents should work with their instructor to determine a Maintenance + Refresher schedule that is right for their child.

“We couldn't believe our eyes and were amazed by what our baby could do in the pool. We felt so safe during our lessons.”

“I remember the exact moment I wanted to become an ISR Instructor.”


Tay is incredible! Her demeanor with my kids inspired confidence immediately. She’s fun, but firm... a critical balance when it comes to young kids! My 2.5 year-old was resistant at first, but quickly realized she LOVES swimming with Tay and she eagerly anticipated her daily sessions. She loves to watch videos of herself swimming with Tay and has taught many of her bath toys to “find-a-float”. It was awesome to see how proud she was of her new skills, and watch her really blossom through this process. My kids were 2.5 and 11 months when they finished their sessions, I was absolutely blown away with the progression of their skills. It seems unbelievable that kids so young can learn to swim, but they can!! The ISR philosophy works, and Tay is simply the best. We can’t wait to take lessons again with her in the spring!!

- Stephanie H.

We’ve been done with lessons for a little over a month and he still asks for Tay!! Today is like 85 degrees outside (rarity for Monterey) and my son says “mom, I want to go to Tay’s pool... where’s my swim shorts?” The reason why I say this, is because, before ISR my kid wouldn’t get near the ocean and was not having the water, at all! We arrived to lessons for the first three weeks in tears, but once he was in the pool with Tay, by week two they stopped. We powered through the anxiety, and now thanks to Tay he is a “calm and confident” little fish. Towards the end of our 6 week lessons my 3.5-year-old was jumping into the water and swimming in the deep-end. I am forever grateful to have met Tay and can’t wait for my daughter to experience ISR next season!!

- Ashley D.

Liam's last day of ISR for the year. He's come so far! From scream crying, arching his back & hating water in his ears to splashing, getting in the water confidently, and floating calmly. We're so proud! Since I've received a few questions: -Yes, it's an investment financially and time-wise (6wks/5days/ek), but I find you'll make time for what's important & a priority to you. (Mind you, I'm also 8 months pregnant! And exhausted) But with refreshers, I won't worry if Liam will be ok around water. -We highly recommend Tay! She's empathetic, encouraging, and educated parents on do's and dont's along the way. -We'll be putting Noah in ISR when he's ~8 months as well.

-Chelsea R.

Tay is amazing! I signed up my 4yo and 2yo. I had tried “normal” lessons with the 4yo and he wasn’t making any progress and cried through them. After one week with Tay, he had to be dragged out of the water he loved swimming and could float! By the end of the course he could swim across the pool. Amazing! My 2yo always loved the water, but needed safety skills. Tay taught her so many amazing skills. I was so impressed that a 2yo could float, swim, and jump into the water and turn to a float after 6 weeks. I taught traditional swim lessons in high school and we never saw a 2yo progress this quickly. Worth every penny!! I plan on using her for all the refresher courses

- Carolina B.